Setting Off
When morning came things were already happening. I could here the crowds gathering outside. I ran all around my house looking for a weapon. The best thing I could find was a hammer. Which was a bit lame, but I didn't care. I just needed something that could cause damage. A real warrior earns his weapons, and only uses what he has the skill to use. You don't need any skills to swing a hammer. So I felt comfortable with it. I spoke with my mum who said as long as I was happy I could go do what I liked. I don't think she understood what I was going to be doing, but either way I kissed her good bye and said I'd be back soon.
All the town's streets were packed full of men, women and children. This gave me the impression that they were not here to fight. It was common knowledge now though. There were demons, and so Ben was right all along. I met up with Ben in the main square, he had met a pack of men who were willing to arm themselves as best as they could to push back the incoming threat. Unfortunately it was just a small pack though. It was quite disheartening to see what was going on. The people of Unique had fallen back into Leber, and instead of holding there. Everyone from Leber had decided to follow suit and leave their homes to fall back further. Everyone was so scared that they didn't want to fight. They were happy to leave everything they had earned and built to be destroyed for the sake of never having to kill. I didn't feel the same. I spent weeks with my family building our roof for our house. Spent days building the river rope swings and play forts. I have many good memories of this place and I wasn't ever expecting to return home one time in the future to see the place all burned to the ground or destroyed. I was the youngest person in this small army, and I was only armed with a hammer, but with that little hammer I would drive all these scaled creatures back to wherever it is that they came from. Screw everyone else that didn't wanna get involved... we'd do it ourselves... I was pumped... I was raging.