King Tell
The people were back soon enough, getting their stuff back into their houses before returning to the town square to congratulate us for our great work in ridding the area of the demons. We'd only been gone a day and we were being treated like hero's. The lads really played it up telling people of their battle stories and wounds, but i didn't speak much. I didn't feel like a hero. I'd fumbled my way through 2 short battles, how was that worth any congratulation. I wanted more...
My thoughts were broken though, as the crowds parted and a very authorititive man made his way through with his son by his side. He stopped by us and said 'I'm king Tell of Unique' Without the aid of an army, or the weopons that an army could supply you with, you brave few have driven out the evil forces that had plagued our town, and made it safe for my son to return to and play. For this i owe you much. I will give you this great bag of gold though i fear it is not payment enough for your efforts. On the outskirts of my land, I have a squad of elite warriors that patrol the bridge and fight in larger battles against the demons. They must have failed their duties to allow this number of demons to cross. I fear for their safety. Your skills can be used for the constant protection of your home towns and villages. I offer you all the chance to join my ranks. I would pay handsomely'.
Jay took the gold and shook the kings hand. They looked as if they had met before. Jay told the king that he would accept the money, but would not take him up on his offer for work, as he is comfortable fighting at the level he is. With that the king bowed for us, and left. I felt that was a good idea not to join because i was definitely going to stay out fighting, but i was nowhere near ready for that kind of work. Ben had mentioned the unique bridge before; it was apparently an incredibly dangerous area.