The next couple we meet here have found each other, but their not really right for each other. They both have gaps and shapes that are totally incompatible, so they are doing absolutely nothing for each other but keeping each other company.
Sometimes couples grow apart. Sometimes they were never right for each other but for some reason decided to stay connected. I've not seen too many of these in my past but it doesn't mean for one second that you haven't seen loads. Maybe something is better than nothing is the attitude they choose to live by? Maybe they're both just teaming up until they find their actual life partners? Maybe they're tired of playing this compatibility game and are quite happy to just team up rather than actually get emotionally involved. Maybe they have so little faith in themselves that they couldn't walk away. There's a huge array of reasons why a couple could find themselves here, but it only takes one act of boldness to end it.
What i'm attempting to describe here is the case where you can be best mates but totally incompatible at the same time. The risks here are that if one of them finds that special (or even better) potential companion, there's a huge chance (unless they are totally insecure) that they're gonna take their chance on the break up.
I'd see this as a very un safe (insecure) place to be. What's your thoughts?

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