First Combat
So we got to it. We stuck together but kept our eyes open in all directions. Each of us had another's back. I was scared, but I was also exited. It was a strange situation to be in. I felt like a hunter. We had been walking around for over 2hrs when one of the lads heard something. We all stopped, and watched in all directions. It seemed like nothing was there.
I looked up to see what could have been a bird flying in from over a broken building, but it was to round to be a bird, and it was arching in towards us, and it was in flames. Then it hit me, we were under attack! I shouted 'duck!' but it was too late, one of our team had their head caved in by a burning rock. I didn't have time to worry about my lack of reaction. A hand full of fast moving silhouettes leapt out of the cover, each with flaming rocks clutched in their hands. Can they not feel the burn? Gabriel and his men were already getting involved by this time. I had lost all control. The village terrain had become a blur, I'd forgotten how many men we had. I could see Ben as he pulled his spear back ready to launch. I looked back to see the silhouettes were ever closer and a flaming rock was headed right at me. I was left with only my rawest of survival instincts to save me. I drew my hammer back ready to launch as I took the flaming rock on my inner thigh, and as I began to fall backwards I let the hammer go, launching it towards the silhouette that opposed me. I lost sight of him as I fell backwards but I saw Ben's spear hit home on an airborne figure. It all seemed slow motion even as I hit the deck and felt the impact rushing through my bones. I blacked out.