A Step in the Right Direction
After that mildly traumatic experience, a little something had changed in our Nev. He felt his Demons presence in himself. There were things that he needed to say. The thoughts were there but he daren’t say them for the risk of losing a group of friends. (This is why he's acquired his Demons eyes in the image) He had expressed his feelings to brother Coldy across the email at work, to see what he made of his mistake. Coldy made it clear that Nev was the 'biggest ball bag he has ever met' and he should stop going out of his way to make sure others are happy. It was just another case of Nev being too nice.
Both Coldy and Judus had mentioned all the following to Nev before, and on separate occasions, but it had totally sunk in when Nev got it over email by Coldy. Coldy reminded Nev that he shouldn't be chasing after mates, because he was the prize. How many Nev's are there in the world? One. Nev is a particularly amazing daisy. Coldy reminded Nev that he stands out in a crowd without having to put any effort in. Most people love him, and not many people have a bad thing to say about him. Nev is naturally so far away from any stereotype that it apparently makes people want to know him. He has many talents. He is good company on a night out. He is pretty successful and he has no limits to the levels in which he can do things. The world is Nev's oyster. He is fortunate. He's 22 and he has his own house, he has a job that is seen as exiting. He has many good friends and he has a good lifestyle. Who is he chasing?
Nev had no excuse... Coldy was right... Again.